| Frames for licence plates, holders for number plates

Advertising on car plates




Frames make it easier to mount number plates on cars and can be used as an elegant and discreet advertising medium with possibility of eco-friendly UV printing on the removable lower part of the frame, called a batten.



3D domed labels known also as epoxy stickers are a common product in automotive industry. Polyurethane resin, which covers the printings, is immune to even severe weather and road conditions.



It is more than 20 years now that we deal with production of aluminium plates with embossed letters and numbers or with printings. At present we also offer decorative and commercial PVC plates in customized sizes with printings (screen printing or digital printing).

About us

  DOMING.BG offers a wide range of products and services like:

  • Doming plastic frames for licence plates also known as holders for number plates,
  • polyurethane 3D doming labels (epoxy stickers),
  • screen-printing services,
  • decorative and commercial PVC plates with printings,
  • Aluminium info plates, keychains and tyre bags with printings.



Our partnership expanded with four new clients – Venauto, Stoevi Auto, Gevorg Group and AutoVision. They trusted our high quality and correct relations. We also offer competitive price. They choosed to promote their business with the help of personalised frames which:

– Increase the visibility in the traffic
– Provide each automobile with high-quality accessories
– Add accent by the newest technology in the market
– Easy to use

We want to present you the personally created projects for our clients who add value to their marketing strategy. Follow their example and do not hesitate to contact us for your offer. Become a part of your network.


We want to share with you the new project that we have recently completed. The order was placed by KJ Auto, Plovdiv. KJ Auto decided to increase their brand awareness by adding an effective advertisement on their car frames. Moreover, they purchased elegant 3D stickers which will be placed on each car and used as an advertising tool. KJ Auto’s design were used to create 3D car plates which will be used before the car is sold. As a compliment to the customers, 3D key chains with contact information were designed and will accompany every key of the new car…


We have just finished another interesting project. This time stickers were ordered by Food Hall Poland company, and they are going to place them on… safety helmets. Due to what we learned from FHP representatives, a couple of new places for their food halls in several cities in Poland are under construction at the moment…


DOMING.BG / KJ Auto Ltd.
47, Kuklensko shose Str.
4000, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
+359 878 101 175